
We’ve got a proven track record across all the major industries.


We’ve designed and installed complete bespoke systems in commercial and manufacturing setups.

Schools & Hospitals

From small local national schools to large regional hospitals, we’ve installed and managed complete systems that keep people safe.


Across large apartment blocks and extensive housing estates, we’ve provided top-class, reliable fire safety services.

Commercial & manufacturing


Factories are complex buildings with unique fire protection needs that require serious thought and expert engineering. Talk to us about fire-proofing your factory today.

Office buildings

The safety of employees is important and regulations on fire safety are ever-tightening. We work to bring office buildings up to modern fire safety standards and train fire marshals on or off-site.


Supermarkets are filled with flammable items, and shoppers can be careless. At Lir, we can equip your store with the latest in fire protection technology.


Sawmills are dangerous places with specific fire protection needs, like air filtering systems. We can install a full range of fire protection equipment.

Schools and care facilities

National schools

The safety of our children is the most important thing. At Lir we have extensive experience fireproofing schools, and it’s a role we take extremely seriously. We’ll make sure your school is safe and standards-compliant, and that it stays that way.

Primary Care

Lir Fire Protection has years of experience working on and in primary care facilities across the country. Get in touch with us to find out how we can help.


Although often small buildings, creches house very important people – our kids. We work to make them as safe as possible and keep them that way.

Nursing homes

Caring for the elderly is something we take very seriously at Lir, and fire protection is a big part of making sure they remain safe and comfortable.


Apartment blocks

As land gets more scarce in the major cities, more and more people are living in apartment blocks, with extensive fire protection needs. We can help with our years of experience and cutting-edge fire protection technology.

Housing developments

Building a new development and looking for the best fire protection systems at the best prices? We can outfit all your properties with fully standards-compliant fire protection systems.


If you’re bringing an older building up to modern standards, it’s important not to neglect the latest advances in fire protection technology. Get in touch and we can advise you on what you need.


Hotels are high-risk buildings, with many people careless about fire hazards. At Lir, we understand how to outfit a hotel to be protected from the hazards of fire.

Why Choose US

Satisfaction GuaranteeD

We’re highly rated by all our clients, and for good reason – we care that you’re happy and safe.

A One-Stop Shop

We’ve got the full range of both services and equipment, and we’ll organise everything you need.

Free Consultation

Get in touch by phone or by email and you can talk to one of our expert fire safety engineers, absolutely free.

Call Us: 057 93 61004

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Have any questions? Get in touch.

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